Monday, January 4, 2010

Tiptoe Part 2

I have been digging through the Internet. I did find Tiny Tim and Miss Viki's daughter Tulip. But not much else. She has apparently not in show business or music business.

Tulip's last name is Stewart now. She is 38 and lives in Pennsylvania. That's it. All I found. Not very exciting for the blog, but I said I would do it.

I also found some very disturbing information about Tiny Tim. He was often described as a novelty act. His life was novel too. Late in life he just took to wearing Depends as underwear because they were more sanitary that regular underwear. I think he was turning into Howard Hughes.

Let's talk about Howard Hughes. I think it would be funny for Scout to dress up as Mr. Hughes for Halloween this year. I can find a long awful wig, fake beard. He can wear his bathrobe and Kleenex boxes on his feet. Supposedly that is what looked like shortly before his death. Howard was a nice looking man.

Now this makes me think of Kleenex. Do you call all facial tissue Kleenex? I do. I never say please pick up some facial tissue at Wal-Mart. It is all called Kleenex - whether it is Kleenex, Puffs or generic. We can even go back to Halloween with Kleenex by itself. I have tried to get Eminem to be a box of Kleenex for Halloween the past 2 years. I have lost this battle to the pink fairy princess and the glamor witch.

Kleenex was originally called "cellucotton" and it was used in gas masked during WWI. Kleenex was not marketed in the US until the 1930's. I have to say that Kleenex is a whole lot more sanitary that caring a handkerchief.

Wonder what Tiny Tim thought of Kleenex.

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